St. Johann Nepomuk, Asam Church
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St. Johann Nepomuk, Asam Church
In the historic city of Munich St. Johann Nepomuk, better known as Asam Church, is situated. The church was built by two brothers as their private church without an official order. The two builders were able to unite in an confined space the two-story space architecture, painting and sculpture in harmony.
The history of Asam Church
In1773 the two builders Egid Quirin and Cosmas Damian Asam bought the property next to their house in Sendlinger Straße and built a private church. A legend tells that both brothers got into a life-threatening situation on a boat on the river Danube. They swore if the got saved thy will built a church. The rocks in the entrance of the church could be a reminder of the cliffs of the river and the dark twilight inside the church goes with the legend, too.
Although St. Johann Nepomuk was built as a private church, after resistance of the citizens the brothers were forced to make the church accessible to the public. The church was designed as Beichtkirche (confession church) for the youth and has seven confessional boxes.
In a bomb attack in 1944, the choir was heavily damaged. With the interior restoration from 1975 to 1983 according to source study was done a hypothetical original appearance of the choir.
* Photo: By Poco a poco (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons