Pasing Mosque
Further Information
Pasing Mosque
Since 1985 there is a Turkish religious community in Munich. In 1999 a mosque with a cultural centre was opened in the borough Pasing.
The building is divided into the mosque with a prayer and washing room, a centre for women and young people, a tea room, seminar rooms and an area for the Islamic death ritual. A travel agency with a mobile communication provider is situated on the ground floor of the cultural centre. Upstairs, the three storeyed building, underneath the cupola there is a prayer room fitted with tessellations. A second prayer room is on the second floor.
The Turkish-Islamic cultural centre is named “Pasinger Moschee”. It is a popular and well attended meeting point for people of different religious backrounds. During the year about 6000 people of different believes visit “Pasinger Mosche” and the number of visitors is increasing.
There is a connection between the congregation of Pasinger Moschee and the umbrella organisation T. C. Diyanet Isleri Baskanligi. The imam are appointed by the Turkish government and alternate every four years. Usually they are qualified theologians with many years of experience, interested in working abroad. But before there will be sent abroad they have to pass an intensive training scheme.
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