Isar in Sendling - Swimming & Recreation at the Flaucher
Isar in Sendling - Swimming & Recreation at the Flaucher
According to the Munich swimming regulations (BootVO 360) swimming is allowed in the following area:
a) At the city limits of Munich north of Großhesseloher Brücke (Großhesseloher bridge) until Braunauer Eisenbahnbrücke (Braunauer railroad bridge) on both sides of the river Isar.
b) From Braunauer Eisenbahnbrücke (Braunauer railroad bridge) up to 50 meters above Reichenbachbrücke, on the right site (eastern part) of the river. But within this distance swimming is not allowed 20 meters above and 40 meters beneath the Wittelsbacher Brücke (Wittelsbach bridge).