Neues Rathaus (New Town Hall)
Neues Rathaus (New Town Hall)
Between 1867 and 1908 the New Town Hall was built by Georg Hauberrisser. In the tower (85 meters high) of the Neue Rathaus is the famous Glockenspiel. Every day it chimes at 11 a.m. as well as at 12 p.m. and in the summer at 5 p.m., too. The Glockenspiel shows two stories from the 16th century. The top half of the Glockenspiel tells the story of the marriage of the local Duke Wilhelm V to Renata of Lorraine. This is then followed by the bottom half and second story: Schäfflertanz (the coopers´ dance). According to myth, 1517 was a year of plague in Munich. The coopers are said to have danced through the streets to bring fresh vitality to the fearful people.
By the way: When passing around 9 p.m. one should have a look at the tower of the Neue Rathaus. At this time an angel will put the “Münchner Kindl" (a young woman representing the town of Munich) to bed.

The Glockenspiel plays everyday at 11am, 12pm and 5pm (summer)