The Olympia-Schwimmhalle (Olympic swimming pool) has been one of the M-Bäder pools since the start of 2007. Dive in at the venue which hosted all diving and swimming competitions at the 1972 Summer Olympics.
Originally built for the Olympics, today the Olympic swimming pool has something for everyone. There is so much to enjoy with five swimming pools and a 10-meter diving pool. There is an excellent view of the Olympia-Schwimmhalle from the top of the diving platforms.
* Photo: SWM/Götzfried
* Text (excerpt) from Olympiapark, Munich from Wikipedia [CC BY-SA 3.0]), List of the authors

* 1) Photo: SWM/Götzfried
* 2) Photo: SWM/Götzfried
* 3) Photo: SWM/Götzfried
* 4) Photo: SWM/Kerstin Groh
* 5) Photo: SWM/Stefan Obermeier