The swimming pools of the Ungererbad are to the north and to the south the Würmkanals: They are called "Marien´s lake" (with water mushroom, current canal and waterfall), "Imperial pool" and "lake Luitpold". Added together there are are about 4,100 m ² water surface with two diving platforms (1-and 3 metres) available to the visitors.
For children there is a so-called Child Oasis and an adventure playground as well as a beginners´ pool for children, an experience pool and Plantschbecken (paddle pool). Nearby there are two beachvolleyball cours and a soccer field as well as trampoline area. Directly at the entrance there are three fields for chess and mill/merells with big figures. With the Munich holiday´s pass for children and young people, the visit of the outdoor swimming pool is free during the whitsun and summer holidays.
* Photo: SWM/Felix Steck

* 1) Photo: SWM/Felix Steck
* 2) Photo: SWM/Felix Steck
* 3) Photo: SWM/Felix Steck